
Get motivated and stay motivated @ Team One Fitness

Get motivated and stay motivated

Spring has definitely started, daylight savings is about to start and after having the winter blues, many people want to get motivated, fit and healthy for summer. Getting out of your winter blues and back into a training routine is often easier said than done. Here a few things... Read More
Why to get out of bed at 5.30am?

Why to get out of bed at 5.30am to break into a sweat?

Do you want to be more productive at work? Would you like to have more quality time with your family or do you want to feel more energised? If the answer is YES and I think we all wouldn’t mind to have a bit or all of the above, then exercising is the answer. Being... Read More
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Balance in Life

Finding a Balance in Life; simple changes to make the most of your time and improve your wellbeing.

Times are busy and life can be a juggle. Here are some tips about finding balance in life and how to maintain this balance. Although many of us still cling to the idealistic view that we live in the land of the long weekend, Australians are among the hardest workers in the world.... Read More

Weight loss; benefits of slow vs rapid weight loss

What is better, slow and gradual or fast weight loss? In the past the general rule always used to be ‘slow and steady’. These days, research says that it actually doesn’t really matter. Both ways can have pros and cons, and what works for one person, won’t... Read More

How to control your portion sizes

Choosing the right foods is important but how to control your portion sizes is definitely as important, if not more so. Our food culture has changed a lot in the last 50 years. First of all, food is a lot more available than it used to be and secondly, portion sizes are a lot... Read More